Stepping out of the very niche world of Special Operations is no laughing matter and is often a very daunting process for the highly trained men and women leaving our Special Forces. No matter what role one may have played serving in the Australian Special Operations Command (SOCOMD), from Medic to logistics, parachute rigger to Special Operator, The Krait Foundation is here to bridge the 'readiness gap' and make their transition experience as seamless as possible. 
The overarching aim of The Krait Foundation (TKF) week-long intensive, is to immerse our current and former serving folks in the best transition training on the market. We want to give them the best possible chance at succeeding in their new mission: Stepping out of uniform. 
The program is broken down into three distinct phases: 
We kick off with some deep introspective work. We hire the most contemporary and appropriate business and career coaches to start the week, covering a range of topics that veterans will face including expectation management, highlighting natural strengths and tackling 'imposter syndrome'.  
After spending time unpacking the Gallup strengths results, as well as feedback from the WHY institute pre-course work, we start to develop a personal paragraph or 'personal elevator pitch' which builds the foundations for the week. 
We start to develop our LinkedIn profiles, talk about interviewing for jobs, and build out our resumes step-by-step. Our cohort conducts a series of Trek's to veteran-owned start-ups and we hear from guest speakers and former serving men and women who have started successful businesses. 
The week-long intensive culminates in a handful of the cohort 'pitching' their personal transition plan to business and company representatives. We then move into our networking event where our cohort has a chance to mingle with supporters and potential employers of the Australian Special Operations community. 
For more information on our program, please contact one of our staff members or send us an email: 
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